Aida to evenweave

by Sarah

If I buy a kit that has aida fabric in & want to replace with evenweave, how do I work out how much fabric to buy?
Is it like for like?
Many thanks

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You got it!
by: Carol

Yes, that is correct, Sarah.

Aida to evenweave
by: Sarah

Thanks for your reply, so if I understand it correctly if I swap a 14count Aida fabric which comes in a kit for 28 count evenweave
I need the same size of fabric?
Thank youi

Replacing Aida with Evenweave: Fabric Considerations
by: Carol

Thank you for your question, Sarah.

To determine how much evenweave fabric to buy, we need to consider the original Aida fabric's count and the desired count of the evenweave fabric.

Typically, kits come with 14-count Aida, which can be replaced with 28-count evenweave.

If you choose to do so, working over 2 fabric threads will maintain the design's original size.

However, if you prefer a higher count evenweave, such as 32 or 36 count linen, the finished size will be smaller when working over 2 threads.

To ensure you have enough fabric, add 2-3 inches to each side of the design area for mounting, framing, or other finishing techniques.

You can use my cross-stitch calculator to help you determine the exact fabric requirements.

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