Become a cross stitch designer
with Stitch Your Own Business ebook

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a cross stitch designer?

Imagine this: I was sitting in a cozy coffee shop, savouring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

As I looked around, my eyes caught a glimpse of a woman beside me, immersed in a cross-stitch magazine. To my astonishment, she was flipping through the pages showcasing my very own design. It was not a figment of my imagination, but a heartwarming reality that filled me with joy.

Since that exciting moment, my designs have graced the pages of numerous national magazines, each publication bringing a surge of excitement and anticipation.

The thrill of stumbling upon my cross-stitch kits in a store during a holiday trip added an unexpected touch of delight. To my amazement, I discovered that the store was owned by one of my trade customers!

These delightful surprises, like little rays of sunshine, brighten my day as a cross-stitch designer.

But perhaps, among all the memories, one stands out as my favourite.

It was in London, during a four-day needlework show. As I arrived on the first day, my eyes were drawn to a stand in the atrium, featuring the works of Jo Verso, a renowned author in the industry.

Summoning my courage, I joined the queue of eager customers. As my turn arrived, Jo Verso looked up and took a step back, her surprise evident. "You're Carol Leather! Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. I was taken aback, unaware that she even knew of my existence.

These memories, these encounters, these moments of connection with fellow embroidery enthusiasts, fill my heart with warmth and gratitude. They remind me that my craft has the power to touch lives, to create bonds, and to bring joy to those who appreciate the artistry of needle and thread.

Wouldn't you love to experience those moments of surprise and connection in your own life. Becoming a cross stitch designer may seem like a daunting task, but with the right resources and a passion for the craft, you can turn your dreams into reality.

One invaluable resource that can help you on your journey is my "Stitch Your Own Business" ebook. This comprehensive guide is filled with practical tips, step-by-step instructions, and real-life examples that will empower you to start your own cross stitch design business.

Cover of book

From finding out what people really want to stitch, to how to get honest feedback on your designs - not just a nod and a "That's nice dear" from your partner.

You will learn all about the different ways to promote your products, off and online. Where to advertise, and how often.

How to keep the rest of the family "onside" during your early days, before you start to see the money coming in. You will even find insider information on making the best of shows and exhibitions.

In order to give you the best chance of success I drafted in another cross stitch designer, Shan Harris, to give you her viewpoint, as some of her methods differ from my own, and this way you get to choose which would work best for you.

This 121 page ebook took me 2 years to write. It condenses 15 years of running my own needlework business into the bare essentials. I do not pad it out with fluff, but packed with information that will give you a head start and help you to avoid the mistakes I made.

This information will save you time, effort and money! Becoming a cross stitch designer has never been so simple.


It is yours, along with two bonuses which I will discuss later, for just £19.95.


Dear Carol,

I have read your ebook from cover to cover three times and am most impressed. It is

thorough, friendly and very, very informative.

A great deal of this I have found out by trial and error and you have gone
much further down the line that I intend to go. The friends and
contacts I have made have been invaluable and an unexpected bonus. I have also
got to know a number of designers as friends which again is very special.

You have highlighted the benefits and also the pitfalls as well as giving sound
basic advice from two different needlewomen with very different approaches. I
will look more carefully at my paperwork as a result of your book and I will be
better organised (probably not!! - ask my husband!)
but thank you both for a very worthwhile project and I hope at some point our
paths will cross.

Leading you chapter by chapter

In the first chapter, we look at the introduction to business, what you'll need to pull together a business plan and of course how you can release that cross stitch designer in you...

  • Paying hobby or full-time job
  • Where is the money going to come from?
  • Equipping your office
  • What will you call your business?
  • What type, or types, of needlework are you going to design?
  • Will you sell kits or patterns?
  • Who will your customers be?
  • Do you need a Web site?
  • Starting your business from home

Then we move on to Chapter 2...

This chapter is all about designing your patterns.

  • The design process
  • Let it brew
  • Design inspiration
  • Using colour in your designs
  • Design size
  • Create a series
  • Be original
  • Match size and complexity
  • Ask for a critique
  • Designing for magazines

Now we have got the creative juices flowing. Let's have a look at what you need from cross stitch software in Chapter 3...

Chapter 3 - Needlework Design Software

This chapter covers choosing your design software in detail.

Just so you don't have to wait until your software arrives, you will find some useful 11 and 14 count graph papers in the bonus section, when you purchase and download your copy of this ebook.

  • Exporting and printing
  • Layout of chart and key
  • The grid lines
  • Thread information
  • Symbols
  • Fractional stitches
  • Speciality stitches
  • Design library and borders
  • Objects
  • Stitched text
  • Scanning your drawings or photos

Chapter 4 - Manufacturing kits

Designing the kits is only part of the story.

How do you get them to the market place? How do you know what is popular? How do you keep your costs as low as possible?

Inside Chapter 4, I'll enlighten you with my experiences, illustrate tools that may assist your production, and offer guidance in case you are having others make your kits up for you.

  • Get it stitched twice!
  • How much to pay for model stitching
  • Framing your designs
  • Photographing your design
  • The kit cover
  • The bag
  • The threads or fibres
  • The fabric
  • Needle Safety
  • Measuring beads
  • The chart
  • The instruction sheet
  • Sending out the kits

Chapter 5 - Shows and exhibitions

Let's try adding some shoe leather to the sales pitches, and getting yourself out into the public. Shows and exhibitions offer an opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

  • The Trade/Wholesale
  • Retail shows
  • Before the show
  • At the show
  • Selling your products
  • Getting feedback

Chapter 6 - Talking about needlework

You are now a cross stitch designer and you need to tell the world!

Giving a talk enables you to interact on a personal level with an audience. Talking to them about your love and passion helps to get your name out there.

  • What can you talk about?
  • How can you benefit from giving a talk?
  • Overcoming your nerves

Chapter 7 - Teaching needlework

Have a passion to teach, but missing that vital Degree? You don't necessarily need one! People are looking for informed individuals, experts in their field to pass on their knowledge.

As a cross stitch designer you are ideally placed to teach what you know to others. It is enjoyable, profitable and gives you another string to your bow. In the next chapter I share my secrets to making a success of your teaching engagements.

  • Structuring classes
  • Planning the class project
  • During the class
  • After the class

Chapter 8 -Your Web site

Of course you can also teach online...

In Chapter 8 I shall share a wealth of information on how to build yourself a successful web site - not a get rich quick scheme, just a true and honest base to truly set you on the road to independence.

Here you'll get an opportunity to learn from the best, and I'm not talking about me, for after a number of successful years with my own sites, I still find I can learn a trick or two.

  • Why do you need a web site?
  • Getting your site found
  • How will your customers use the Internet?
  • What do you need to build your own web site?
  • The easy way to create a web site
  • Taking orders from your site
  • Offering downloadable patterns and copyright
  • Keeping in touch with your visitors
  • Additional ideas

Chapter 9 - Accounting and the paperwork

It is important to keep your records in order when running your own business as a cross stitch designer. This chapter will help you lay a good foundation for your record keeping.

  • Trading Styles
  • Starting Out
  • Your Expenses
  • Pricing
  • Cashflow
  • Your Sales and Invoicing Out
  • The Legal Stuff

Something special for you!

I am sure you will have questions when thinking about becoming a cross stitch designer. I know I did!

But unlike me, you now have someone to turn to, for help and advice. When you buy this book you will have access to a password protected page on my site where there is a special form for contacting me with your queries.

Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, the download page will also have a link to where you can get FREE graph paper in 11 and 14 count to print out as many times as you like.


So don't delay! Order your copy of Stitch Your Own Business for just £19.95 today.


The book is delivered as an 8.5mb file in .PDF format, straight to your computer.

You will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to open and read this book, if you are using a PC. You can get Adobe Reader here (a new window will open so you can download without leaving this page).

If you have any questions about the book, or problems downloading it after purchase, please do use my Contact page to drop me an e-mail.

No questions asked guarantee

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason just email me within 8 weeks from your date of purchase - and I'll issue you a 100% refund immediately.

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