Anchor silks - Old numbers to current ones

I have a lot of old Anchor silks which I want to be able to convert to DMC silk numbers. Is there any way of finding a conversion chart for this. I understand the Anchor silks were renumbered in the 1970s.

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Old to new Anchor conversion chart
by: Cherry sloane

I have an Anchor 'old to new' lconversion chart.
I would add that they may not be exact matches, as in the intervening years perhaps they slightly altered their newer range but useful to be able to use up some of those existing skeins.
I'm well older than those original threads!!!

Old Anchor thread numbers
by: Linda Kj.

Has anybody had any success in finding a conversion for old Anchor number to the new numbering system? I'm willing to buy old thread of anybody have some to use to make a conversion chart!

False information
by: Anonymous

Not true

The charts for converting Anchor to DMC are the new numbers

Like the original poster i have loads of old Anchor Floss colours that i need the new Anchor numbers or the equivalent DMC numbers for

Long Road to Silk
by: Anonymous

Try this...

If that does not have the silk numbers you may have to use the links below which are specifically for silks. I know you are not trying to convert to the enernasilk but it is converting Anchor to eternasilk then your would have to convert from the eternasilk to your DMC number. It's round about way to get there, but you would get there. Sorry... I could not find anything that converted specifically silk directly from Anchor to DMC. Good luck.

Anchor silks - Old numbers to current ones
by: Valerie Kalyani

You can find numbering information at the DMC and Coats & Clark websites. If you think these threads are silk, they are most likely Rayon; neither company manufactures silk to my knowledge. Also, although there are some colors that match from DMC & Anchor, it is not going to be a 1 to 1 match. Most of the colors from one company are not the same as the other company.

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