Backing a cross stitched baby quilt
by Heather
(Bartlett, TN, USA)
Hi Carol, I have just discovered your website and find it very useful! Much easier to understand than kit instructions. Currently, I am stitching a stamped cross stitch baby quilt. It is pre-quilted, however, I am stitching through all the layers so I would like to finish the back with flannel as you suggested in another post.
I think it would be much more comforting. But I am not experienced at sewing and am worried about the backing shrinking etc once it has been applied to the quilt. Is that something I have to allow for?
Heather, you are wise to consider this before completing your project. Indeed the backing fabric and the front could well shrink by different amounts at the first washing.
To prevent this causing the work to pull out of shape I would recommend washing both the completed stitching and the backing fabric separately before assembling them. This will allow them to be stitched together afterwards, without any detrimental effect to your finished project.
If you are going to bind the edges of the quilt, it may also be a good move to wash that fabric before using it. This may sound like a lot of work, but considering the time you will put into the embroidery itself it is worth doing to ensure a successful piece of work that will be treasured for years.
Have fun.
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