Backing of cross stitched baby blanket

I just finished cross stitching a stamped baby quilt for my first grand child and would like to sew a flannel backing onto it to cover up the threads on the back. I will be hand sewing it as I do not have a sewing machine, do you have any tips?

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My preferred method
by: Carol

I like to use the backing fabric to create a self-binding for baby quilts. To do this you will need...

Backing fabric, at least two inches bigger all around than your quilt top.
Temporary Fabric Adhesive Basting Spray or pins
Sewing cotton to match the backing.
Tailor's chalk or fabric pencil

Start by covering your work surface with something non-slip so your fabric doesn't move.

Lay the flannel for the back of your quilt face down. Then lay your stitched quilt on top face up, with an equal amount of the flannel showing all around.

Taking your tailors chalk draw around your quilt onto the backing to form a guideline. The draw another line twice the width that you want your binding to end up being. Cut about a quarter inch outside this line. Trim the corners diagonally to reduce bulk.

To keep the top in one place while you turn over the edges, do the following.

Fold half of your quilt top back on itself, then spray the back of the backing with the basting spray. Lay the top back down carefully, pressing it onto the sticky surface without stretching the quilt.

Then fold over the remaining half, spray, and lay the quilt back down so the right side is once again face up.

Take your first corner and lay it on top of the quilt. You may wish to pop a pin in to hold it in place. Then fold the excess backing over down one side of the quilt. Tuck the raw edge underneath and pin in place every few inches (or use the spray again to hold it. If you do use the spray protect the top surface of your quilt with some paper or plastic to prevent the glue from getting on the front.

Repeat for all the sides.

Then use a slip stitch to secure the folded edge to the top of the quilt all around. If your needle starts to struggle to go through all the layers wipe it as sone of the adhesive may have gummed it up a little.

Once all your stitching is complete, you can wash and press the quilt. The temporary adhesive will wash out.

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