Basic 101 how to use Mac Stitch

by Gracie_Dee
(Bolivia,NC, USA)

Hi! My name is Gracie. I’m a budding new cross stitch designer. I have done the graphic paper technique and I wanted to do more. Especially, I want to design faster and learn how to do it in a SOFTWARE. I’m also a very visual person, watching YouTube videos to help me. unfortunately there isn’t one that is basic and easy to follow. Wondering if you have a basic 101 video or maybe can guide me to do so. I haven’t bought the professional Macstitch because I’m not sure if its the right one for me.

Hope you can help me,

thank you, Gracie_dee

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Thank you for the suggestions
by: Carol

Thank you. I have taken note of your requirements and will plan out a video for you. I can't say when I will be able to get it completed and released, but I will do my best to have it done soon, Gracie.



Video tutorial
by: Gracie_dee

Thank you for the response. I will take whatever advice/tip you can give me just to help me start.

I do take my own photos, and sketch too, so I do want to import them and start from there. I’m usually looking at a blank page for MacStitch and there it is... I’m stuck and I don’t know where to go.

1. I want to learn to import an original image.
2. how to create my own color palette and also how to delete the default ones.
3. Creating short cut steps for faster design. (Template)
4. How to export/ print pattern. (The final step)

Just a suggestion:
Maybe if you can create a basic drawing of imported IMAGE (like a flower) and create a pattern from there. I'll follow the tutorial to recreate it. I’m usually a fast learner.
thank you Carol and I do appreciate the help.

Sincerely, Gracie_Dee

I could certainly try to record something for you
by: Carol

Thank you for your question, Gracie-Dee.

I could certainly try to put a basic video together. What would you like to see in such a video? I can't promise to include everything, but it would be helpful to know what you would ideally like to see covered.



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