bead attachment

by Luz Acosta
(Tracy Ca )

I need to attach my beads to my finished cross stitch but I'm not sure how. It says, "all beads are attached with a cross stitch. Go through each bead twice so it lay vertically."

Would you have a picture sample? the beads are so small and they want to use two strands. Go through each treasure twice so that the channeled hole lays vertical.

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Beading instructions
by: Carol

I cover attaching beads to your cross stitch on a page on this site.

bead attachment
by: Michelle

I agree with what the previous poster said, but I never use embroidery floss to attach mine.

I have read different charts that say to either use thread the same color as the background material or the same color as the bead. I like to use clear nylon thread that you can pick up at any craft store. It is on a spool like regular sewing matching thread.

Happy stitching!

Bead Attachment
by: Valerie Kalyani

I would not use two threads unless the holes in the beads are large enough to do this without it being difficult.

You do a cross stitch, including the bead in the stitch.

Start by coming up in the cloth, string one bead, go down in the opposite corner just like you were stitching with no bead. Do not pull it too tight or it will draw up the cloth; do not work too loosely either or the bead will flop around when you done.

Come up in the next hole of the stitch. Run the needle through the bead again, then down into the last hole of the stitch.

Your bead is now attached and will lie in a uniform fashion on your work.

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