Can I change to a different fabric count for Hardanger?

by Margaret
(Iowa, USA)

I have a pattern calling for 28 count cloth. I have lots of 22 count cloth and must use it. How would using 22 Cloth instead of the 28 Cloth the pattern calls for, change the amount of fabric I would need for the pattern?

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Yes, but keep in mind a change would affect the threads too
by: Carol

Using a fabric with fewer threads per inch than the pattern stipulates will mean that the finished project turns out larger than the original.

As an example let's imagine a design that is 200 x 200 threads in size. Worked on 28 count the finished design size would be 7.143 inches square or 18.14cm.

If we changed this and used 22 count fabric this would turn out 9.09 x 9.09 inches (or 23.09 cm) in either direction which is quite a bit larger.

As well as needing more fabric you would likely need more thread.

Hardanger embroidery usually uses a range of thread sizes and these change dependant on your fabric choices. On 22 count fabric, I would suggest using sizes 5 and 8 pearl cotton, whereas the pattern could suggest sizes 12 and 8 if worked on 28 count.

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