If you have any questions or comments about my site please drop me an e-mail by filling in the form below.
I believe a good, useful Web site should provide the information you require. Why not help me achieve this goal by letting me know what would make the site better for you. Cyber space can be a lonely place without a little communication.
Let me know if you enjoyed your visit, or even if you didn't. What would you like to see more of? Have I missed out your favourite needlework technique? What is your favourite part of the site?
Why not suggest a topic for a page or series of pages? Or if you enjoy writing yourself why not submit an article that you think may be suitable for the site?
Other people have shared photos of pieces they have stitched from my patterns also. You can see these by clicking on this link.
You can also contact me on my Facebook page.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.