converting a wedding invitation to cross stitch

by Julie Gardner
(Helena, MT)

I would like to take my niece's wedding invitation and turn it into a cross stitch pattern. Everything I read online says to select an image from your computer, and it's not on my computer. It's an actual hard copy of an invitation. What is your advice and thank you so much.

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The old fashioned method
by: Carol


In order to get your invitation into digital format you could do one of the following...

1. Scan it in to your computer (or ask a copy shop to scan it for you) and save it in .jpg format.

2. Take a digital photo of it; you could even use your smartphone if you have one.

If you have an iPad you can then download an app that will superimpose grid lines over the invitation. You have the advantage of being able to zoom in to see the details more clearly this way.

Once the design is on your computer you can use a cross stitch design program to create a chart to follow.

If you can't do either of the above options, then you could revert to the old fashioned method of using grid paper. Here you would lay a piece of transparent graph paper over the invitation and chart the lines on another piece.

You can order grids to print onto tracing paper yourself from my site (or get them as a bonus when you purchase my Stitch Your Own Business ebook).

You don't mention whether the invitation has images or is just text. In order to keep the size of the cross stitch design manageable, you may want to create any wording in back stitch only, perhaps with a cross stitch border.

I hope this helps,


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