Creating a heart

by Judy
(Cambridge New Zealand )

I want to create a special heart-shaped patch that can be sewn onto a cushion.

This cushion will hold the wedding rings of my grandsons parents, secured with ribbons that match the colour of the bridal dresses.

This thoughtful accessory can also be used individually by my grandsons when they get married in the future.

Thanks Judy

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Creating a heart
by: Judy

I have only completed one Hardanger project being a centre piece for my mother’s dining table. I’m just in the process of finishing a rectangular Doily my friend started before her passing. Hence me not knowing where or how to find the pattern I imagine. And would appreciate any assistance with this project.


by: Carol

What a lovely idea! I am seeing a satin cushion in the same colour as the dresses, a white hardanger heart on the top, and satin ribbons. The coloured satin would show through the openwork of the hardanger.

You could use a buttonholed edge around the heart motif, or maybe incorporate an openwork variation perhaps with picots to keep a lacy effect.

Have you stitched hardanger before, or did you have a different technique in mind?

What a beautiful family keepsake, Judy!

You've certainly given me an idea for a future design.


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