Crewel work using Appletons wool

by Helen

I am looking for some fabric that will support Appletons wool, everyone tells me to use linen twill but as I am new to this I would like to find something a little bit cheaper to work on.

I have been told you can use a linen union! Not sure what this is think it is a linen cotton mix.

I have found a website that offers small samples but have no idea what to ask for.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks


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Fabric for crewel work
by: Carol

Hi Helen,

The fabric used for crewel embroidery needs to be firm enough to support the wool, and tightly woven.

As crewel embroidery does not cover all the fabric, you need to keep in mind that it will show in the finished piece.

Linen is the traditional ground for crewel. But as you say, it isn't the cheapest of fabrics.

You are correct in that Linen Union is a mix of linen and (usually) cotton fibres. It can be stiff and not very flexible making it tricky to put into a hoop for stitching, however.

One alternative you might like to try is the Normandy Half Linen available from Willow Fabrics, in the UK, which comes in natural or white.



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