Cutting and Wrapped Bars with Dove's Eyes

by Kathy
(Sneads Ferry NC USA)

Phicture of end result

Phicture of end result

Please help me as I am stuck. I took photos of the picture of the finished product, instructions and my project at this point. I am unsure as to where to cut and wrap threads.

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Try my Lesson First
by: Carol

Thank you for submitting your question along with photos. what a beautiful project you have undertaken. I love those jewel like eyelets in red and green.

Onto your question. I don't know if you have seen my Lesson 2 in the hardanger sequence? You'll find it here.

If you scroll down to the 4th image on that page it shows the threads left behind after the cutting has been done.

In your pattern you have a straight row of kloster blocks along the top edge. The threads you will want to cut are those beside each kloster block. So you will have five stitches and four cut threads for each block.

Once you've cut at that end, follow the threads across the cuff and cut the same threads where they meet a kloster block.

I would do all the threads in that direction first. Then give the fabric a half turn and work along the side edge cutting the four threads again next to the five satin stitches of the kloster blocks.

You will end up eventually with a grid of holes separated by four fabric threads.

Once everything is cut that needs to be, you can begin wrapping the remaining threads, two at a time.

Do come back to me Kathy if you are at all confused.

You might want to practice first by stitching my lesson to give yourself confidence in the cutting. But do note that in that lesson all four of the threads are wrapped together, not divided into two.

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