Do I tie a knot while doing stamped embroidery

by Cindy Reynolds
(Seymour, In USA)

I embroider pre-stamped pillow cases and dresser scarves.

I do not always like the way it looks on the back, with all the knots, it seems so untidy. But I do not know how to embroider with out knotting. Can anyone give me any advice, please?


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No Knots Needed !
by: Evelyn

I go just outside the stamped print and go down through the top making an anchor stitch. Then I come up through starting my stitches about an inch away from the the anchor stitch. This gives me the opporunity to work over the anchor stitch thread on the back.

When I am done I weave the thread through on the back staying within the same color of thread then I cut the thread and your finished with that color. Then I clip the knot off and there you have it no knots on front or back.

I usually will trim the excess thread away from the anchor stitch so it cleans it up a little. Weaving your thread back in will keep it from raveling out when it is washed. This makes for a very pretty and neat looking work.

Aternative Knot Tying Method
by: Anonymous

When I start with a new thread/floss, I leave a tail of about 2". Then, proceed with stitching as usual.

When I have about 2" of thread/floss remaining I remove the needle. (There will be a 2" length of thread/floss at where I began the stitching and another where I ended i.e. TAILS.)

I split the "tail" and then tie a knot TWICE. Do the same with the other tail. Snip close to the knot.

Naturally, there are still knots on the back of the fabric, BUT these are less bulky and less visible than other knot-tying methods which traditionally are used.

Hope this helps.

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