by Gayle Ballinger
(Bothell, Washington, USA )
I found a sweatshirt at Walmart, which had a cute Reindeer on it. I instantly saw how doing some stitching over the screen printing would bring it to life.
As I was on vacation and eager to get started, I picked up a hoop, DMC floss and embroidery needle there and then.
I had cut-away Sulky Stabilizer with me. I am using three strands and Thread Heaven.
Every stitch I take, I hear a snapping or popping sound as the eye of the needle passes through. I am worried about breaking the knit strands of the sweatshirt. The pattern is done in a small V shape and I am stitching over the V in the same way, to give a 3 dimensional look.
I do not see any unravelling, but cringe with every snap as I stitch. Suggestions? Now that I am home, I can get a different needle, but after reading your information here, I could not begin to guess what I should get. Help? Thank you very much!
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