Fabric for beads

by Shundiin

Question: I am wondering what fabric to use for beading. It would be embroidery with beads, its a pretty big project. I am looking for fabric that won't bunch and will be durable enough to hold all the beads. I also don't want it to be too thick because I will be transferring it to buckskin. Any advice is helpful. Thanks.

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Beads and Material _ What do I use?
by: CrankyBird

I recommend silk fabric. It's tough, flexible and wears very well. Sew the beads on with silk thread.

*** Don't use cheap beads. ***

Make sure they are color fast. Don't used dyed, ceylon or metal beads that aren't plated with 24 kt gold or 24kt gold lined.

Silver lined or silver plated or nickel etc. tarnish!

If your doing the work, don't ruin it with the wrong beads.

Red and pink beads also have the distressing tendency to fade - to clear beads!

If you are doing Indian beading on buckskin, you should bead direct on the buckskin using leather sewing needles and dental floss. They used to use strips of intestine for sewing the beads on (harp strings were made of this). They used large E beads or Pony beads.

If you are working with smaller beads and it will be worn, I suggest you stick with using opaque beads. They wear well. Transparent ones scratch and silver lined ones tarnish and/or can flake.

Please don't use metal ones. Really, you'll cry over your choice for years.

*** If your framing your work, you can use 24 kt gold plated beads. They make white gold that looks like silver and they won't tarnish. ***
You can still wear off the finish, so never use them on clothing.

*** Use glass that blocks UV light when framing your work. Many beads will fade in sunlight. ***


*** Any gold less than 18kt will tarnish. That's why they sell 18 kt gold jewelry in the tropics. Now you know. Pass it on ***

Every time I see those kits with those cheap gold bead packs, I pray the buyer knows better than to use them. I think it's criminal they don't have a warning that warns you, you must coat them to keep the finish on. Of course, if you do spray them, you get beads with no holes. Unless you string them, get someone to spray them and then swing them around until dry. Then you might be able to get a needle through them.

* The bead companies web site advises you to coat them, but not the packs you buy in a store or get in a kit. *

Vile, worthless MHB co. You coat the ... beads for us.

Please don't spend 100's of hours stitching and have it destroyed by cheap, horribly labeled beads.

Buy the expensive 24kt plated ones and enjoy. They look wonderous!

Hope this helps you.

Fabric for beads
by: Valerie Kalyani

I would not use fabric at all if the piece is being mounted on leather. I use a bead loom for this sort of finish as it is a very traditional way of doing it. Your beads must have a uniform shape and you must use a high quality beading thread. This way also has the advantage of allowing you accomplish it much faster; looming is faster than most embroidery.

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