Hardanger Tablecloth Pattern

by Michelle Hendricks
(Cape Town, South Africa)

I am wanting to make a table cloth (fairly big) for my brother and his wife for their 25th wedding anniversary as a gift. I would like to make it in white with white.

Please can you let me know where to start looking for a pattern? I live in Cape Town South Africa and have exhausted my options in that I have looked at all the possible shops in the area and have not found anything.

I would prefer to have a pattern that I do not have to adjust. I have just finished a project that I adjusted extensively and my brain feels as if it has been fried at the moment. So I would prefer something that is easy enough to just copy from the pattern and not have to work out too much other than the counting for the pattern.

thanks and regards

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More info on Zweigart patterns
by: Jane

The book I mentioned in my previous comment can be found here - there are others to choose from too. In the books you get lots of patterns to choose from, already designed into the finished tablecloth or other product. It seems a very economical way of buying the patterns.


Hardanger patterns
by: Jane

I have a book by Zweigart, Hardangar Embroidery, with beautiful tablecloth etc designs. It's very accurate and easy to follow

Hardanger Tablecloth Pattern
by: Valerie Kalyani

Try Nordic Needle .com, they have the most Hardanger patterns I have found.

Sew & So
by: Annie

Try "sew and so dot co dot uk" (with out the spaces etc) and then search for "hardanger tablecloth". Lots of pattern booklets will come up. (No connection to the company) I have used them for 3 years with no problems and have found them very helpful. They are also happy to send abroad.

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