How do I remove creases in aida cloth

by Jennifer Ambrose
(Perth, Western Aus, Australia)

Question: I have purchased many pre-packed cross stitch kits and the aida cloth always has pressed creases it it. I wondered how I can remove them as they show when the cloth has been stitched on. I have tried washing it, ironing it (even with a damp cloth) and using spray starch but nothing removes these creases.

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getting creases out of stitching fabric
by: Phyllis

Have you tried using a cold damp cloth on the inside of the crease and instead of moving the iron back and forth, put it down directly on the crease and hold it (steam it) down for a few seconds?

Pick up the iron and move it over to another spot. If this doesn't work, you could take it to a 'professional' (not just anyone) dry cleaners and they will remove it for you. I had a yard of AIDA fabric that I tried the old fashioned way of 'pressing' it and didn't remove it so well. I took it to my dry cleaners and 'bingo', came out beautiful.

Ask them 'not to fold it across a wire hanger' when it is finished.

Good luck.

Stubborn creases in Aida
by: Carol


Sadly there isn't a lot you can try to remove these stubborn creases from your Aida cloth. One thing that is worth a try is to wash the piece then lay it face down on a thick piece of towelling and iron it dry as described in my washing cross stitch page.

The problem stems from how the fabric is originally produced. The manufacturer sells it in either rolled bolts or folded ones. The folded ones have the fabric folded into half then folded into a concertina form before shipping. These bolts normally hold 30 metres of fabric. The other way it can be supplied is in 50m rolls where there are no folds. However it is more difficult to store and transport, being very heavy!

I always try to order the 50m rolls but sometimes have to settle for the folded bolts. When using the latter for making up kits I refuse to cut a piece that crosses over that centre fold line as the crease is almost impossible to remove. This does mean wasting some fabric but I prefer to do this rather than have an upset customer such as yourself.

For my larger kits, the ones that have bigger pieces of fabric in them, I use a larger bag to pack the kit. This means I do not have to fold it so many times to fit it in the bag. I also do not press the folds, either with an iron or with my fingers preferring them to gently curve rather than lie totally flat in the pack. Hopefully this will reduce if not eliminate the stubborn crease problem.

If you notice a really sharp crease in the fabric in a kit you purchase before you start stitching, you could try returning it to the seller and asking for a different piece of Aida.

Sorry if I haven't been of much help in removing the creases from your existing pieces.

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