How do you finish a cross-stitch afghan

by Chris
(Glendale AZ)

I'm half-way through making an afghan for my new grand-daughter (using Q snaps for a hoop) and I'm wondering how to finish it when it's done. Should you line it so the back of the stitching won't show? Is there an iron-on interfacing to use first so the stitches won't pull out? Any tips on making the fringed edge? HELP!

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Fringing Anne cloth
by: Anonymous

I did an Anne cloth afghan years ago and it has held up wonderfully. Machine wash and dry. The directions for fringing were to take 8 threads and tie a single knot at the base near the edge of the Afghan. My fringe is 4 inches long including the knot, all the way around. I've had it over 20 years.

Getting STARTED cross stitching on AFGHAN CLOTH
by: Anonymousjade

I want to START ( my first time ever doing a project like this) an Alphabet Afghan blanket. HOW DO YOU START? I have the alphabet afghan cloth ( 18-count )
. How do you find the center of each block and I am to cross stitch over 2 threads. HELP! HELP!
It's odd that there are NO tutorials on this subject anywhere.

When to fringe or wash?
by: Anonymous

Should I wash the finished afghan before or after fringing?

How to wash Anne cloth with fringe?
by: Anonymous

How do you wash Anne cloth with fringe, can I wash on hand wash cycle in washing machine, I did a project in 1999 and thought I should wash it.
Help please

by: Liz

I read the previous answer and that is how I "fringe" all my afghans. However, I would like to know how to knot that fringe for a neater appearance.

I can not find a tutorial anywhere on the internet. Can someone give me simple instructions on how to knot the existing fringe on a cross-stitched afghan (even weave cloth like Anne Cloth or Zweigart materials)?

Thank you!

by: Anonymous

I have just finished an afghan in crossstitch for my next great granchild due in 5 weeks and am delighted with the result but I too am not sure how to finish the fringe I dont want it too long as it could cause a problem when washed Do I tie a couple of the fringe end together Would appreciate any help

How do you finish a cross-stitch afghan
by: Valerie Kalyani

Usually an afghan is not given a backing. You just do the stitching as tidily as possible, working ends in carefully without knots and not carrying the threads across the back very far. If you are very unhappy with the appearance of the back, you could put a back on it, but it may be challenging depending on your design.

*Shrink the fabrics first!*

Wash BOTH pieces to ensure that your work is not destroyed by uneven shrinkage after assembly!

If it is an afghan done in blocks, it is simple to just stitch down the lines formed by the blocks and then around the edges to attach a backing. This is easily accomplished on a sewing machine.

If the pattern is more 'scattered' you may have to quilt around each motif; you may prefer to do that by hand.

The simplest fringe you can do on an afghan is to work a border row of cross stitch all the way around at the point where you want your fringe to begin, and then draw out all the threads parallel to your stitches to make the fringe.

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