How to fix an untied knot

by Anita
(Conroe, Texas, US)

I wish I had found this web site before I did the embroidery embellishment on my tunic top.

Then I would have known how to start the thread without making a knot. When I laundered my top, several of my knots came untied. The ends of the thread are very short. Is there a way to save my work?

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fix the untied knots
by: Rosemary

Hi, thank you for the idea of using fray check, I am trying to make some pillow cases for my granddaughters and I worry about the back and the threads. I am so glad, I am buying some and keeping it handy... Rosemary :-)

This answer worked
by: Anita

Thank you, Valerie. Your solution saved the day and it was easy to do. I know it will help other sewers too.

From now on I will use the methods I read about on this blog and not use knots to secure my thread.

How to fix an untied knot
by: Valerie Kalyani

Use either a needle threader or a fine crochet hook to pull the tails back into the stitching. Then I would apply a dot of a product called Fray-Check on the knots. (Even the ones that are still tied). It will help them stay tied.

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