How to Fix Hardanger Cutting Mistake

I've done hardanger before without any problems so when I started my piece I didn't review any tips or tricks. (OK, it was 15 years ago, but I look at that finished piece every day and figured that would count.)

I was confused by the instructions and didn't do my kloster blocks correctly, although I didn't realize it until I started cutting! I've been to the optometrist and have bifocals on order just because of this piece! The final blow is that I couldn't find my special scissors, so I used some small blunt tip sewing scissors and cut into my stitches. Yikes!

The hardanger work is in the middle of the piece and of course the border is already completed, so I'm extremely loathe to start over (especially as my bifocals have not yet arrived.) Is there a way to insert new cloth behind my existing work, re-sew my klosters (correctly), and then recut? Seems like lining up the fabric would be very tricky but I fear there's too many cut threads to reweave each thread.

Any advice (or sympathy) is welcome!

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Another Hardanger Error - Help
by: Anonymous

I must have cut too close to the cluster block and a couple of threads have come loose. Is there a solution?

Two cutting errors
by: Anonymous

I made two cutting mistakes as I was finishing a piece. (I know, I should have stopped after the first one.) As I’m unsure about applying a second piece underneath I thought it might be best to trying weaving in new threads although I’I have never before done that either. My question is how do I keep the woven threads from being visible from the front where I start and each the thread. This piece will be framed so I’m not too concerned about what shows on back.

repairing cut threads
by: Anonymous

did you get a response on inserting a piece of fabric -- I have made a big mistake in cutting (how I don't know) -- but it happened. This is my first piece and is a tablecloth and the rest looks great but this one area. I would like to repaid it so that it doesn't show. It has been repaired but does not look that great.

Oh dear!
by: Carol

Oh what a shame after all that hard work! I am going to make a guess that you had less thread on the back of the work than you did on the front? Due to taking the shortest route and just going under one fabric thread to the next kloster block satin stitch rather than circling round and bringing it up next to the starting point of the previous stitch? Am I right?

This is something that many of my students have done at workshops. If you realise the mistake before cutting there is a work around but it isn't very sturdy so I rarely advise it.

However if the mistake is noticed after cutting the stitches just seem to come apart, as there are no fabric threads to hold them in place.

Would it be possible to send me a photo or scan of the area in question? I could advise you easier on how to rectify the problem if you could. Drop me a line via the contact page and I will reply so that you have my email address, then you will be able to attach a photo to your subsequent reply.

Without a picture at the moment I will offer a possible solution but it may not be suitable for your project.

Most hardanger needs four threads cutting and four leaving in place. We can safely ignore those that should have been cut in the majority of cases but as you need to restitch some of the kloster blocks this may be difficult to do.

If your work is not hemmed yet you can withdraw threads from the outside edge of the piece and reweave them over and under, across the gap (just those that should not have been removed) and a couple of inches into the remaining fabric. Work in one direction first, then turn the work and add those that travel at right angles.

Re-stitch the kloster blocks and then needleweave or wrap the replaced threads, whichever the pattern requires.

I have never tried adding in a new piece of fabric but it may just work. I would cut the piece three or four inches bigger than the area that needs replacing, then fray the edges. These frayed edges will be the ones that would be woven into the main piece of the cloth. I would perhaps try this on a sample piece before attempting it on your project just to see if it is workable.

I do so hope you can remedy this mistake. Good luck.

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