I want to embroider, its just that I am a rank beginner

by Dawn Jorgensen
(Milpitas, CA USA)

and am frustrated beyond words in my inability to find projects I want to work with!

Just about everything is cross stitch (I live in "Silicon Valley", N. California), not the surface embroidery I want. I want to do more than the satin stitch, chain stitch, lazy daisy, french knot, etc. I want to do a sampler, like I seen that girls used to do in the 1800s.

It has been suggested that I find a picture I like and go from there. Fine, but I am not in the least bit artistically inclined, and NEED TO BE TOLD what to do. Colors, stitches, EVERYTHING. I am not kidding! I am not being modest. Words, well, I can modestly put together, but not colors, drawings, stuff like that.

The only analogy I can give is a kindergartner tracing over and over the letters until she can duplicate the same. I hover just above zero when it comes to being able to visualize something I have never seen before.

For example, until I saw a picture of the Cliffs of Dover, I couldn't see it. It was so foreign sounding, until I saw that picture! NOW I can understand it! Bad example, but I hope you understand what I am getting at.

I am pathetically grateful for your time and attention to my frustrated ramblings!

Dawn Annette Jorgensen! 43 years old.

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Did you get the help you needed?
by: Hilary L Wagner

If you still need help I can show you different stitches.

Beginner Embroidery
by: K

Miss Dawn, To embroider offers me peace. Learning the value of even tension is the place to begin. Start by securing your thread; round and round over a small area, or leave a tail of thread to be tucked in later (1 1/2 to 2 inches or 3.5 to 5 centimeters), or tie an ugly knot that you will later learn how to never use again. Doing a simple stitch many times, using more and less thread tension, will help you see what it means to stitch with tension that matches the fabric. A running stitch is made by coming up then down through your base fabric creating a dashed line that can be any end shape, repeat to cover the desired line or shape. Straight lines may be easy, geometric finished designs take only a little more effort and doing your autograph will require your stitches be closer together. Even stitch length will win you praise along with the even tension you are becoming familiar with now. New to this site, I feel the key is to just get started. We learn by doing...

Help for new stitchers
by: DawnP

If you are a beginner and are looking for a group of friendly, experienced stitchers to get you started or help you advance your skills, then might I suggest you look up your local chapter of the Embroidery Guild of America? They are on the web, but have chapters all across the US, including a very active group in the Santa Clara Valley, and another in Morgan Hill. You would be very welcome.

I want to embroider, its just that I am a rank beginner
by: Valerie_Kalyani

Hello Dawn! I am a 48 year old stitcher and I live in Watsonville, perhaps we can get together sometime. I do all kinds of embroidery and can show you. But I found your post a bit confusing. If I got it right, you do not want to do cross stitch (my favorite) but want to do surface embroidery. But most old samplers are cross stitch; there are whole companies devoted to recreating them as kits. If you would like some help, please email me at the name I used above including the underscore @yahoo.com

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