Knotting and restarting thread

How do I knot my thread and then restart with a new thread?

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Starting/Ending Threads
by: Anonymous

Actually, there are a few knot exceptions.

A good waste knot start video along with how to finish a thread is at

Once you have a few stitches on your piece, you can stop using waste knots and just weave a few inches of thread tail into back of stitches and start stitching.

If using normal, solid color embroidery floss also try my favorite -- "knotless loop"or "loop knot" method to start a thread, a good diagram if you scroll down is at or in old Stoney Creek magazines. (No, unlike sewing machine and some specialty threads regular embroidery floss does not have a direction to the grain/twist of thread)

Basically, take a 1 yard single strand of thread , fold in half so a loop is on one end and two tails on the other creating your normal 18" thread length. Thread tail end into needle like you would normally do with two separate strands of thread. Start first stitch bringing needle up to front of fabric leaving loop dangling on wrong side (don't pull loop through). Finish stitch on front and pass needle through loop.

When finished with a thread, weave through your stitches on the back side (best if you take one change of direction if possible) and snip closely.

Do use knots on the backside of your fabric when you have a single bead, button or stitch out in the middle of a large unstitched area. There's not a good way to travel your thread to the other stitches to finish off your stitch or your waste knot and a tiny bump underneath that one bead or stitch will actually look like an intentional 3D effect (if you can even tell) instead of a horridly visible thread trailing along backside of your fabric.

A good picture of trailing thread is viewable on an old graduation pattern that had an eagle in sky and a verse from biblical Isaiah (if I find again I'll add a link to but next time in a shop check their graduation patterns and you'll see blue thread trail behind white fabric). Used it all the time in class as a show-and-tell for what not to do.

Knotting and restarting thread
by: Valerie Kalyani

You are not suposed to tie knots. They cause subtle 'bumps' in your work and it will not lie flat when you frame the piece. It can also cause an uneven surface on a stuffed item like a pillow.

To start I use a waste knot. You put a knot in the end of the thread and insert the needle into the cloth about 5 or 6 stitches away from where you want to work. The knot goes on TOP of the cloth. You must position it so that the tail left by it under the fabric will be stitched over by your embroidery. When you get to the knot, clip it off with your scissors and keep working.

When you are ready to end your thread, flip the work over and run the needle under a few stitches. Then turn around go back again, making sure you have looped the thread around a stitch on the way back. This keeps it very secure. Never cut your thread off with less then an inch of thread run under unless absolutely necessary or your threads can work themselves loose.

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