Making the fabric taut

by Linda M.
(Northglenn, Co)

I am starting on my second cross stitch project. The first one I never finished because it was looking so bad.

What I am having a problem with is getting the fabric in the scrolling frame, that I just brought for this project, taut enough to work.

I have it as tight as it will go and the fabric is still loose.
The same thing happened with my first project; only then I used a hoop. The fabric was always too loose, and I tightened the hoop as far as it would go.

I wanted to use a scroll frame so that I could leave the project in there, and not worry about the fabric having a ring indentation in it.

Please, I would really appreciate any ideas on how to get the fabric tighter.


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Making fabric taut
by: Linda M

Oh thank you!!

It is now so obvious, once you pointed it out, that the scroll frame is too big.

I shall be getting the smaller size one now.

Thank you again,

Making the fabric taut
by: Valerie Kalyani

First of all, make sure you are using the correct size of scroll bars. These are for rolling the work so that only a portion shows at a time. As you work the design, you roll the picture up to expose more unstitched fabric. I am wondering if your problems are from having one that is too large. If you have the cloth mounted so that all the working surface is seen at once, it is too big. There is not enough cloth rolled around it to create enough tension. Working with it all showing is done on a 'slate frame'. (Google it for a picture of one.)

Some scroll bars are split and you insert the cloth into it and then roll it. The solid kind of dowels can be more challenging. You must have enough fabric to roll it around at least one & a half times or it will slide off. I have never had to, but you can attach it to the dowel with flat tacks spaced a couple inches apart.

If the tension issue is side to side, Nordic Needle sells side clips that attach to the work, going around the sides of the frame to keep it tight. Good Luck!

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