by Marie
Hi...I have been doing needlepoint for years but as I am getting older I am finding some challenges that are preventing me from continuing to enjoy doing my needlepoint.
My question is: what accessories might be available to help?
Specifically, my hands are very small and now have arthritis in them. I find it most difficult to pull a needle back through a canvas that already has some threads on it (this would be where there is layering of colors in the design perhaps).
Also, I am having difficulty seeing...I have purchased a special light, and use reading glasses....but is there some additional type of visual aid that can be used?
I used to enjoy needlepoint so much, but now I find because of these two hurdles I rarely pick up my sewing because of the frustration I experience. I doubt that I am alone in this frustration, and I hoped you might have some suggestions that would help me to continue sewing. Thank you!
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