Needlework and techniques

by Robin

Can you do embroidery and cross stitch on the same type of fabric? If so, which fabric is best if you want to incorporate cross stitch with some embroidery stitches on the same project?

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It can be done but only for some stitches
by: Carol

There is no reason why you couldn't work stamped cross stitch and embroidery stitches on the same project, Robin.

However, counted cross stitch is generally worked on a more open woven fabric with distinct holes visible between the fabric threads. This would make it difficult to place some embroidery stitches close enough to each other to get the normal effect.

For example, thread painting relies on lots of stitches made with fine thread, placed very close to each other to solidly fill an area of a design. For this a closely woven fabric with perhaps 40-50 threads per inch would be most suitable. Trying to work counted cross stitch over such fine threads would be tricky (although it was done on samplers in times gone by).

Some embroidery stitches are often incorporated into cross stitch designs, such as French knots.

You could also mix in some needlepoint stitches into a cross stitch design to give added texture and variety.

So to sum up, yes it would be possible, with careful choice of embroidery stitches and a fine count fabric.

I hope this helps.


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