Number of Counts

by Karina Garcia Marenco
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

I wish to know how to consider the count number of a Canvas? For example is a 14 Count canvas bigger (bigger holes) than an 18 Count?

Thank you very much! Have a nice weekend

Karina Garcia Marenco

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Number of counts - Reply
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much Carol for your explanation.
It was very useful.
I love Crossstitching, for that reason my question. I use to work often on it.
By the moment I'm stitching a Cushion in Crewel.

I find your site very useful and funny with many others techniques...e.g. Hardanger....I will must learn about.
Promise photo of my works for your opinion back.

Nice Sunday!

I hope this helps to explain the "count"
by: Carol

Thank you for your question, Karina. Basically, the "count" relates to the number of threads (or holes) within a measured section of your canvas or fabric. A canvas with an 18 count means it has 18 threads in each inch.

If you pick a 14 count canvas you would fit in fewer stitches in the same sized area than you would if you work on an 18 count canvas. Each individual stitch would be larger, and therefore the overall design would end up larger.

Some canvases have a very low count of 3 or 5 and you would use a very thick yarn to work on these to create rugs for the floor.

Canvases with 18 to 24 counts would be used for much more delicate work, using a thinner yarn or thread.

I hope this helps to explain the difference.

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