Old charts to new

by Valerie

I've been stitching for 50+ years, so I have lots of the old charts that were drawn by hand.

At the time, it was all we had and we didn't know any better. But the advent of computer-printed charts changed everything!

Now, there are a few old charts I would like to stitch again. But I'm spoiled by the clean, crisp modern charts.

I'm sure there's someone who would know how to convert a hand-drawn pattern to digital, but I have no idea where to look.

Do you have any ideas for me?

Thanks so much! Valerie

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I remember those
by: Carol

Hi Valerie,

Oh I remember those as well! In fact the first cross stitch charts I created were hand drawn, before I had a computer.

Although we did our best it was impossible to make sure every symbol looked identical and any errors had to be whited out, left to dry, and then drawn over again.

Thank goodness for the clean, modern digital charts.

If you are wanting to create a fresh, clear copy for your own use then you could certainly enter the stitches into a cross stitch design package such as PC Stitch (Windows) or MacStitch (Mac) and then print yourself a copy.

However, do be mindful of the copyright ownership of the original chart. It would be unethical to then provide others with your revised chart.

For a small design that you plan to stitch a couple times, say for a set of coasters or greetings cards, then the effort of converting is perhaps worth while.

However, for something larger it could well feel as though you are stitching it twice - to first redraw it and then do the stitching. A mammoth task!

I don't know of anyone who converts charts on a commercial basis. Again they would be making money from someone else's design and could run into issues doing that.

I wish you all the best, and perhaps someone else has some ideas for you.


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