by Jamie
Question: I recently bought evenweave fabric for the first time and tried cross-stitch on it. However, as I progressed on the stitches, I found that the embroidery string left little particles of string-coloured material on the fabric, especially after I've made a mistake and undid the stitches. Is this because of bad string quality? How can I fix this/keep this from happening?
Your site has been a great help, thank you.
Carol responds...
That does sound as though you are using an inferior embroidery thread, Jamie. Is it a well known brand of thread such as DMC or Anchor? These brands should not result in the issues you are experiencing.
When you take the time to do a piece of handwork it is best to use the best quality threads and fabric you can afford, as if you will often put in hours and hours of work and hopefully the finished project will survive to become an heirloom.
When I make a mistake and have to remove stitches I like to press the sticky side of sticky tape over the area I have unpicked. This will normally pick up all the remaining little bits of thread easily.
You can buy special scissors for unpicking mistakes, which help you to avoid cutting the fabric threads. They are called Lift-N-Snip.
I am pleased that you are finding my site helpful, Jamie.
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