Purchase all floss for cross stitch project?

by Sandra
(San Antonio TX)

I am starting a cross-stitch pattern purchased online. I have done cross-stitch kits only. The new pattern gives the chart with floss colors and numbers (total 43 colors).

I'm thinking I need to purchase each color regardless if the whole floss is needed or not? If this is a strange question, your response is most appreciated. Thank you

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Great information!
by: Sandra

Thank you for the tips! I will work on matching the floss I have before purchasing the new ones.

Be aware that skeins can be a slightly different colour
by: Carol

I would start by checking my current floss stash, to see which colors I already have, Sandra. If the color is missing from my stash then it goes straight on my shopping list.

But what if I have a part skein?

What I would do in this instance is check the chart to see if I can determine how much of the design uses that color. If it seems to only be a small area, and I have most of the skein, then I might chance it and use up what I have in stock.

If, however, the design uses a substantial amount of that color then I would purchase a complete new skein.

This is because different batches of thread can be slightly different in color, I have found. Although it might not be obvious when holding the skeins beside each other, it may show if you are working a large solid area and change color in that section.

I have experienced this myself in the past. I was stitching a dark area behind two foxes in dark chocolate brown thread. I ran out and had to buy another skein. It was darker! I had a straight line across the fox den and it stuck out like a sore thumb. In the end, I had to undo it and start over.

If your design is large and has a lot of one color, you might even want to play it safe and buy two skeins at the same time for the reason above.

I hope this helps.

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