Stitching over 2 on 32 count Belfast linen

by Pat Caiazzo
(Schenectady, NY USA)

What Does it mean to Stitch 2 over 2 on Belfast Linen 32 Ct?

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Belfast linen
by: Pat Caiazzo

I had to use a magnifing glass to sew the belfast linen because the holes were so small. Be very careful to get thread in the correct hole or it will throw your whole piece off. The first one I did on belfast linen came out beautiful, and the detailing is much sharper because you are able to do 1/2 stitch ( sewing by not skipping the holes) but alot more work than aida cloth. Very much worth the effort

cross stitching on 32ct belfast linen
by: Laurie

Hi, I have purchase a piece of belfast linen instead of the usual stiffer Aida. I am now wondering if I should have used Aida as it is very difficult to see the squares. Is there a different way to cross stitch on belfast linen? I'd appreciated any help I can get. the pattern I have was stitched on 32 ct. belfast linen. Thanks...

cross stitching over 2 threads
by: Carol


This page will help you learn how to stitch over two threads on evenweave or linen fabrics.

The important thing is to start in the right place so that the stitches do not slip behind the fabric threads.

Hope it helps.

Stitching over 2 on 32 count Belfast linen
by: Valerie Kalyani

That means that instead of stitching over one thread of the fabric, you stitch over two threads. You must work over two threads both horizontally as well as vertically to maintain a square stitch.
If you work over 1 one 32 ct. you would have a 32 stitches in one inch. If you work over 2 on 32 ct. you will ha16 stitches in one inch.

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