The Blue Line on Waste Fabric

by Phyllis
(Atlanta, Ga USA)

Which direction of the Blue Line on the Waste Fabric, do I place onto my fabric (a Canvas Bag)? Do I stitch with it Horizontal (across) or Lengthwise (downward)? The Waste Fabric is 14 CT and my graph (luckily) was designed, for using 14 CT Aida and the fabric (included in the kit) measures 6.5" wide by 8" down. My Canvas Bag (design area) measures 7" wide by 13" down.

Thanks for your time,

Phyllis in Georgia

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Blue line on waste canvas
by: Anonymous

re: from May, 2009 comment on the blue line of waste canvas. This note is a 'thank you' for Valette Kalyoni to Phyllis S. I had not read your answer to my question, when wondering how to determine the blue line in stitching on Waste Canvas. I appreciate your knowledge in solving my problem with using it and for your extra note of how to determine one piece of it, to use as regular 14 ct and the 28 count. I have definitely learned something new today.

This note should have acknowledged long before now,as a new year has started already.

I will work on this suggestion, in the near future.
thank you, Phyllis Sully

re:using waste canvas
by: Phyllis

I thank you, for the note on my question of the 'blue line' on waste canvas. It had been a long time, since I used this type of stitching and I got so frustrated with it. So, I decided to do away with that technique and have suffered the consequences of using the AIDA 14 Ct over the Canvas Bag and it has been a real job. I was feeling really bad on the third day of stitching through all that thickness and figured I was right inside that canvas bag, before the end of the day. I wish I had insisted on DH taking a photo of me in that position, for it would be hilarious to look at right now. I finally, figured out a better route and it worked much better. I was able to get that Puffin finished and it looks really good, but it needs something else to go with it. It is lonely out there all by itself, so I have a few more scenes that I plan to add to it, this week. I think I got off the 'beaten track' here, but I just wanted to say that I have stitched one complete Puffin. Now, to get the rest of 'my' plan finished and add a fence around it (to close it in, so I can protect the edges of the Aida fabric, onto the canvas, so that it doesn't not pull loose.

The Blue Line on Waste Fabric
by: Valerie Kalyani

Phyllis, the blue line is only to help you to count. The direction you put it does mean a thing, the waste canvas is 14 in both directions. It is just a matter of your choice in using this counting aid.
Also, did you know you can use waste canvas over one? As long as you consistently put your needle through the very center of each square, you will get an even 28 count with your 14 waste canvas.

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