threading the needle and satin stitch

by Shirley Holmes
(Caseyville Il)

Is there an easy way to thread the needle? I use the "needle threaders" with the wire but after several uses the wire breaks. I also have trouble with the satin stitch. Any suggestions?

Thank you
Shirley Holmes
Caseyville IL

Carol notes: If you are having trouble threading your needle check out this page on the site...

How to Thread a Needle

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Threading your needle
by: Ruthie

Several years ago I was taught a needle threading trick. My eyes were good back then; all I ever needed to do was trim the thread. This method came from Susan Greening Davis.

First look at the eye of the needle, one side will be smoother than the other. This is side you are going to use.

Next place your thread over the padded fingertip on your non dominant hand.

Using your dominant hand place the eye of the needle over the thread. Begin to wiggle the needle over the thread. Within a few wiggles the thread will pop through the eye of the needle.

If you are still encountering troubles you may need to change needle size and repeat.

I am not sure what your question is about the satin stitch. I hope this will help you.

Threading the Needle
by: K

To thread my needle I secure the needle in my non-dominant hand. Fold a couple inches (5 centimeters) of thread around the needle, pulling it tight. Then grasp near the tight fold of thread and push this through the eye of the needle. Sometimes saliva is helpful, but more often the recently folded thread stays together long enough to be inserted in the eye of my needle.

Using 'wire' needle threaders, re: S. Holmes
by: Phyllis Sully

By chance, did you live in metro Atlanta about 35 years ago? If so, I have lost track of you in "our" exchanging recipes.

I wanted to make a comment about the 'wire' needle threaders. I had that problem so many times, that one day I found another threader, that doesn't have the wire on it. It is the neatest tool in my X-stitch box. It is made of a 'flat' metal and it has a large size on one end and a smaller size on the other end and is made right here in my back yard (sort of) in Tucker, Ga ..The company name is : LoRan (registered name) and copyright by 1989 Dal-Craft, Inc. P.O. box 61, Tucker, Ga 30085. However, you can find these at any Needlework shop or any other type store like Wal-Mart, Target, etc. If it is in a rural area, they might still have needlework supplies. Here in the metro Atlanta area, all those stores are free from needlework items. We have Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabrics to shop in.

I hope this helps you,

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