Twilleys tapestry kit

by Brenda
(Abbots Langley, UK)

I have a kit but have lost the instructions. Twilleys have ceased trading so I cannot request a replacement.

My question is about the yarn supplied. It comes in cut lengths with three unattached 2-ply strands in each length, so using all three would be a very thick 6-ply. How many strands should I use at a time? The canvas is 10 holes to the inch.

Your help would be much appreciated.


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I would recommend...
by: Carol

Hi Brenda,

Thank you for sending in your question.

Twilleys called their wool 'Stranded Embroidery Wool', and it was similar to Persian wool. I don’t suggest separating the two strands unless you use a finer canvas.

With a 10 holes per inch canvas, I would recommend starting with 2 lengths (4 single strands). . This should give you good coverage while not being too bulky.

Using all three together would indeed create quite a thick 6-ply thread. This might be too bulky for your canvas count and could make it difficult to pass through the holes smoothly.

To test this, try working a small area with 2 strands first. If you find the coverage is too thin and you can see too much canvas showing through, you could then experiment with using all 3 strands. However, I suspect 2 lengths will be sufficient for your 10-count canvas.

The number of strands might also need adjusting depending on the types of stitches in your design. For any outline or detail work, you might want to use just one 2-ply strand for a neater finish. I don’t suggest separating the two strands unless you use a finer canvas.

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