what type of embroidery is this?

by josee janssen
(toronto, canada)

Many years ago I taught myself to embroider flowers, butterflies, etc. I purchased a book, and if I remember correctly the author's name was Erica Wilson, a real artist in embroidery, who even organised cruises to Bermuda - teaching on the way.

I am now 84 years young, have a bell-pull like they had in old English homes and a small cushion made by yours truly but I cannot remember the name of that type of embroidery. Can you help please?

Josee Janssen
Toronto, Canada

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by: Cathy

I was also a fan of Erica Wilson and had several of her books. I was particularly fond of the Crewel Point technique and did several small pieces. I did some of the cross stitch kits of Jemima Puddleduck and others. I second Carol, thanks for the memories.

Erica on Embroidery
by: Carol

Thank you for your question, Josee.

When I first started embroidery I also bought some books by Erica Wilson. I agree she was a wonderful embroiderer! My favorite has to be Erica on Embroidery published in 1978, and featuring highlights from her BBC Television series of the same name.

A lot of the work she included in her books was a form of crewel work, also known as Jacobean Embroidery. This was worked in wool and used many different stitches.

Her books also featured needlepoint, and most creatively, a mix of the two techniques which she labeled Crewel Point.

The book I mentioned above, included a cushion, a wallhanging featuring wonderful owls, a pair of clogs (!!) and a stunning chair seat cover showing a tree with autmnal leaves and another owl sitting on a branch.

She also created some little characters, reminiscent of the Beatrix Potter creatures, such as a mouse sitting in a rocking chair with a baby on her lap. More babies lay in a cradle by her feet. Adorable!

The book contained projects at the back, and amongst them was a s bellpull. The stars of this were a little harvest mouse, a hedgehog and a bird on a nest.

Thank you for allowing me to take a walk down memory lane. :)


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