Double or alternating stem stitch

by Jackie Raab
(Edmonton AB Canada)

Hi can you please show me how to turn a corner using double or alternating stem stitch. It is inside the four-sided stitch border.

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Thank you
by: Jackie

Thank you so much.

How to turn corners
by: Carol

Hi Jackie! The alternating stem stitch is a delightful and versatile embroidery stitch perfect for borders.

When it comes to navigating corners with this stitch, it can seem a bit tricky at first, but with a bit of practice and patience, you'll master it in no time!

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to tackle corners while working the alternating stem stitch:

1. Start with a plan: Before you begin stitching, take a moment to visualize the stitch path you are following. Identify the corners and plan your stitching path accordingly.

2. Turning the corner: This is simpler than you might think.

a. As you get close to a corner, you'll need to adjust your stitch length a bit.

b. Look at your pattern. Find the line of holes you'll use after you turn the corner.

c. Now, count how many holes your last stitch needs to cover before you make that turn.

3. Work the first stitch backwards: After creating the compensating stitch in step 2, bring your needle out at the end of the first stitch on the new side. Then work that stitch backwards. Push your needle to the back through the same hole as the last stitch on the first side.

4. Continue stitching: Once you've made the turn, continue building your line of stitches as before, ensuring both lines of stitches are formed at the same time.

5. Practice makes perfect: Don't be discouraged if your first attempts at navigating corners with the alternating stem stitch don't turn out perfectly. Like any embroidery technique, it takes practice to master. Keep trying, and soon you'll be able to stitch around corners with ease and confidence.

I added a border around a sample I had been stitching to show you the corners in practice.

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