Cross stitch graph paper or design software? Are you trying to decide which one you need to design your own patterns?
Would it help if I told you I started by using transparent graph paper when I started creating cross stitch patterns before I moved onto using a computer design program? If you are making your own cross stitch patterns then it might be all you need too. But where can you get it?
But what if you want to create a pattern that will fit inside an aperture card when stitched on 14 count Aida?
Does all that mathematics confuse you when you try to work out how many stitches will fit into the area? If you draw it on a 10 count grid, then your drawing will be larger than the finished, stitched item.
Or do you have a drawing or sketch that is just the size you want it to be, when stitched? Laying transparent graph paper over it will allow you to trace the shape, and square it up, but you won't be able to include all the detail if your grid squares are too large.
Ideally you want a grid of 14 squares to the inch, if that is the size of fabric that you will use for your project. This will eliminate all those complicated sums.
And you might want lots of it! It is all too easy to make a mistake, or change your mind part way through a design. The only problem is, this can get quite expensive, can't it?
Well, now you can!
It is your choice whether you print it on plain white paper, tracing paper or colored sheets that mimic the colour of the fabric you want to stitch on. If you make a mistake, no problem, just print it out again.
This cross stitch graph paper is an instant download, and it gives you the choice of either 11 count or 14 count grids in the same pack.
And it's a steal at just £1.75! Think how much you will save!
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